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Give it to ya till you're screaming my name.

♥Monday, November 29, 2010♥

i guess there are some things i shouln't be posting right? but now there are two guys erased from my mind already.. serious! LOL. haha. OMGOSH. new guy.. AGAIN! this time its for real not playing anymore or anything. ITS FOR REAL!! LOL. its a secret. so shhh... haha. secrets will only be told to him and my best friends. no one else! warning to my best friends: after telling you guys my secret.. DON"T be shocked or anything. btw.. to the other him.. sorry... LOL.

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 8:30 PM

♥Friday, November 12, 2010♥

he's officially out of my mind.. that's a good sign. haha LOL. anyways, its been a long time since i last posted something on my blog, so'that's what i'm gonna do now. right. well, there's someone new in my secondary school life now, older than me, yupp. so... um... i don't really know what else to type now, but all i got to say is...... COUNTDOWN TO MY 13 BIRTHDAY IN 8 MORE DAYS!!!!!!

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 3:45 AM

♥Sunday, October 17, 2010♥

he's not there...
my heart is breaking
into millions of pieces...
tears flow down my face uncontrollably
and I can't stop them..
time isn't up yet..
is it really a must to say goodbye now?
i can't get him out of my head
i'll never ever forget him.
but even if I continue liking him...
it's of no use at all
if giving up is really my choice,
then I guess... its really time to say... goodbye

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 4:55 PM

♥Saturday, October 9, 2010♥

i just cant forget about him... its hard... not a single sms from him, nor a reply..... i dont know what to do... its time to forget about him... but how?! this feeling for him has gone on since june!!! haiz..... what should i really do?? now... in confused, upset, messed up. the mere thought of him sends me down to sadness... i cant even feel a sense of happiness in me whenever he pops up into my mind... :( i really just cant do it... to forget him... but i have no choice... i must let go of him..........

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 5:21 PM

♥Monday, September 6, 2010♥

i dun even think my sep hols will even be hols! look at tis: mon(today!) got math ip from 8 to 9.30, eng ip from 10 to 11.30 and history ip from 11.45 to 12.45! then tues, muz report 2 class by 7.45am for eng oral xm, go hm alr then muz rush, 1.15 reach sch 4 thr project, then from 3 to 6 got training!! wed, free in the morning, then from 3 to 6 again got training. thurs, FREE THE WHOLE DAY!!:D fri, FREE THE WHOLE DAY!!:D whoots!!:) anyways, saddo cuz.. sat didnt go church!! so couldnt c him sia.... sadz:( but m sooo looking 4ward 2 tis sat!! im soooo definitely goin church luh!!:) hahas, i seem like im super damn despo, rite?:)

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 1:04 AM

♥Thursday, September 2, 2010♥

today was BORINGGGG!! sian sia! CE lesson talk bout dating, cher say dating doesnt mean only boy girl relationship, but is bout teens of the opposite gender goin out 2gether... yawn... anyways, im very damn troubled now.... all because of tad stupid guy in class... i really cant take it anymore!! argh! why wont he juz give up?? there is some1 new le wad! plus, he is oso damn irrritating! why does he have 2 b in tis sch in the 1st place?? i really wish he wasnt in tis sch!:(

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 12:21 AM

♥Tuesday, August 31, 2010♥

hey im back!:) after my blog got prob 4 like so long.... sianz lah... anyways, I am officially back wif my blog now! yay! hahas:) bad thing is, yesterday was his birthday and i still stupidly asked him whether it was yesterday or today! haiz.... dunno wad his impression of me now is....:( but no matter wad, i will still like him.....

♥imma hurt you real good, baby
@ 12:15 AM